The club has an active ski/wakeboarding membership and is keen to promote both recreational and competition water skiing and wakeboarding. 
The club restricts the number of skiing members in order to ensure that the water does not become too crowded. Currently there are a limited number of memberships available for both boat owners and associate ski members. Should the membership become full then a waiting list operated on a strict date of application rota will apply.
The water is open for skiing / wakeboarding on a six day a week basis other than race / race test days. On race test days the water is closed to boats other than race boats for a period of four hours but this does not preclude ski boat use outside of this four-hour window. The club calendar has full details of these dates and is updated on a regular basis. In the event of any short notice changes the members are updated by e-mail.
In addition to the board of directors who are responsible for the running of the club there is a separate ski committee who are tasked with representing the ski membership and to put forward recommendations regarding matters affecting the ski section and if the membership wish, to organise intra / inter / national ski events.
The club has in the past organised national and local ski events and whilst there is no current calendared events the board of directors are keen to support any proposals for the re-introduction of these.
The types of ski boats used on the lake are varied but generally the maximum size is 16ft 6ins. There are a very limited number of boats in excess of this size allowed and use of these needs to be approved by the board of directors.
All boats are subject to an annual scrutineering and noise testing as the club operates under a noise restriction. This will not be of concern to the vast majority of boat owners as modern engines almost always comply with the restriction.
Our list of boats includes Fletchers, Bayliners, Sportique, and other similar ski boats with a limited number of Mastercraft, Nautique and ProCraft type boats.